
Go go go go!

Yup, my little tyke can say “go, go, go, go”!! It is very funny. I’m not sure if he knows what it means, but he’ll repeat it if you say it. I think he likes it because it is a new sound for him. I am also teaching him “All done”. This is done in signing as rubbing your hands together. When I’m feeding him and I get his had waving/pushing my hand with the spoon away, I now ask if he is “all done” and he shows me the hand signal. I don’t know if he knows what it means, but at least he associates the hand signal with the words.

And another first?? My dear daughter R was sick! I actually had to call her in sick two times this week, including today. Not sure exactly what was wrong, but she has J’s cough, and her stomach really hurt. I sat beside her with a bowl for about an hour while things were dicey. For those of you that know me, you will realize what a huge, and I mean HUGE deal that was for me. I don’t throw up, and I refuse to do it! I think R has a little of me in her! Poor thing.

By the way, she L-O-V-E-S the new car. She is thrilled that she has a button inside to open the sliding doors, she loves the built in sun shades, she loves being able to sit close or far away from her brother!! We have not yet tried out the DVD player, we told her it is only for long (out of town) rides, and she is on pins and needles to try it out. I’m thrilled with the wireless headphones that come with it!!