My kids. I love saying that. These are my kids. I am so proud to be the mummy to 2 lovely children.
Category: Current Family Life
My kids
Posted by ahechtenns On F j, Y
Posted by ahechtenns On F j, Y
Snowsuits on little kids are very funny. Especially babies. There is nothing worse than trying to stuff a squirming baby into a snowsuit, then having to cram them into a carseat as well. This is a picture of J, in a 0-3 month snow suit. It is a hand-me-down from our neighbour, and as she gave it to me she said “this is the snow suit that made our son cry”. Well, it didn’t make J cry until today. And that makes me say it is officially too small. So what did I do? I pried the little baby out of the red snow suit that makes babies cry, and put him in the next hand-me-down, the big puffy white suit. It reminds me so very very much of the Michelin Man. ( if you don’t know what a “michelin man” is, type it into google, you’ll get a picture.
Anyways. This is what J looked like in the new suit, and done up in the car seat.
Nice isn’t it!! Poor litte guy!
Posted by ahechtenns On F j, Y
You know, the other day i was holding J while he slept. (He really only cat naps, so you might as well sit down for a bit when he falls asleep in your arms, as it won’t be long before he wakes up). He slept, and I could tell he was dreaming, as he had fleeting smiles, and lots of sucking motions. It was so sweet when he woke up, as i was looking at him, and he slowly opened hie eyes, and started smiling at me, so sweetly. He usually starts with a smile on one side of his mouth, then it progresses to a whole mouth smile. It is simply delicious.
Oh, and I have to brag a bit about how great my boy is, as he has been sleeping through the night since about Dec 3rd. He goes down between 8 and 9pm, and sleeps usually until about 8am. It’s amazing really. But, don’t hate me too much, as the older girl still doesn’t sleep through, and we are pretty much always awakened at least once by her!
School concert
Posted by ahechtenns On F j, Y
Today was R’s school concert. It made me laugh. They sang this song called “I am a pretzel” and it was how they were all contorted, but then the chorus was but don’t eat me, I’m imaginary! Ok, it rhymed, but it was still hilarious. I think R had a good time showing off at school. J slept through the whole thing.
R says
Posted by ahechtenns On F j, Y
It’s been a while since I posted a “R says” post. She makes me laugh all the time, but I always forget it! This happened with Daddy. We had company over, so I asked daddy to give R the 10 minutes until bedtime warning. He goes downstairs and tells R “You have 10 minutes until bed”. She argues that she doesn’t need to go to bed, so daddy proceeds to explain that her friend E has to go to bed, her friend C has to go to bed….and she interrupts with “Daddy, you are wasting my time”…! She finally clued in that she was missing preciouse play time with too much talking!
Posted by ahechtenns On F j, Y
Today was the first day it actually snowed here. We had snow on the ground this morning, big thick heavy stuff. The kind that is just saturated with water in every shovel full. Then in the afternoon the temperature climbed above freezing, and once darkness hit, everything froze again, and now there is blowing snow. What a day. J’s first snow fall!! He didn’t mind being out with me in the afternoon, I had him in the sling, and walked around a bit outside.
Ok, I know I brag a lot about my kids, they are the best of course (:-)). I am however going to take a moment to brag about a contest I recently WON. Yes WON. Ok, I came in second place, but i got an actual PRIZE!! Check this out. It is for sun protective swim wear, and I must say I have turned a lot of family members on to them. I love the picture I submitted, I used it for R’s birthday invitation last year to her b-day party. It was taken on vacation in Mexico. Here is the site showing all the pictures.
She can read!
Posted by ahechtenns On F j, Y
A monumental day! Today at bedtime R actually read not only her home reading book, but her library book too! “When I was Little” by Jamie Lee Curtis. A very sweet book, about how a little 4 year old girl tells about the things she did when she was little, and the thiings she does now. It was so amazing to watch her. She mostly looked at the words, but I did see her eyes dart to the pictures when she encountered a word she didn’t know. But I must say she really did well, sounding out things she didn’t know! How amazing! I will take a picture tomorrow and post it.
Uncle B’s Birthday
Posted by ahechtenns On F j, Y
J was at the doctor today for his 3 month check up. He is 13 pounds 1 ounce, his head is 16 inches, and his lenght is 23inches. He has a lovely round head as everyone keeps telling me. He’s doing fine.
We celebrated Uncle B’s birthday at the local Thai restaurant. After we had cake at our house. Z and R played dress up together. It was cute to see.
How sweet is this?
Posted by ahechtenns On F j, Y
We have settled down into life as a family of 4. It is heartwarming to see how kind R can be to her little brother. The other morning as daddy and I were getting ready, we laid J on our bed. I came back into the room to witness this, older sister was reading to her brother. She had even covered him up. Aww!
I should mention the socks on J’s hand were put on by daddy. It can get pretty cold in J’s room, so daddy resorts to socks on the hands.
Need I say anything?
Posted by ahechtenns On F j, Y
Look at all the cuddling and love J is getting from Oma!